Current block explorers, whether those that are open sourced, explorer-as-a-service businesses, or those built by the chains themselves, are no exceptions, and often runs into the following issues:

  • Limited Network Support: Block explorers often only support a handful of networks, and are often limited to the most popular ones. And for those that do cover a wider range of networks, this still often only include user-facing chains, while developer-centric networks like testnets or local and forked chains are still severely underserved.
  • Development and Maintenance Costs: For development networks, while open sourced explorers are still a viable option, they often require a considerable amount of time and effort to deploy and maintain. This diverges developer resources away from the core product, and often leads to a suboptimal user experience and additional overhead.
  • Fragmented Experience: When navigating between chains, ecosystems, or tech stacks, users currently often need to find, learn, and familiarize themselves with an entire new explorer interface. This creates a considerable barrier of entry for non-power users, and overall creates a fragmented and suboptimal user experience.

With Celatone, we aim to solve these issues

  • For users: Celatone’s explorer provides a unified experience across any chains, frameworks, and tech stacks
  • For developers: Celatone’s Forge dashboard makes it easy to deploy a hosted, folly featured, production-grade block explore in minutes.