The “Proposal Details” feature provides in-depth information about specific governance proposals on the Celatone platform. It is designed to inform users about the objectives, parameters, and current status of each proposal, enabling them to make informed decisions when participating in the platform’s governance.

Proposal Overview

  • Proposal Identification: The feature displays the Proposal ID, which is the unique identifier, and title for each proposal.
  • Proposal Messages: A section for any proposal messages related to the proposal, which
  • Proposal Status: Shows the current phase of the proposal, including start/end dates and deposit or voting status. There are typically three phases: Deposit Period, Voting Period, and post-vote status, which reflects the outcome of the vote.
  • Deposit Information: Shows the amount deposited towards the proposal, the required deposit amount, and the list of depositors with their respective contribution amounts.
  • Voting Period Information: If applicable, shows the status of the voting period or indicates that it is waiting to start until the minimum deposit is met.
  • Proposal Description: A detailed description of the proposal’s purpose, the authority it grants, and links to further discussions or documents related to the proposal.
  • Proposal Messages: For proposals with associated proposal messages. These messages will be implemented if the proposal passed.

Proposal Vote Details

Celatone provides users with a transparent and detailed view of the voting progress for governance proposals in the CosmWasm ecosystem. It aims to track community engagement and the consensus-reaching process for proposal ratification.

  • Vote Participation Summary: Shows the percentage of voting power that has participated in the vote. The quorum status Indicates whether the required quorum has been reached for the vote to be valid.
  • Vote Results Overview: This displays the current distribution of votes among ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Abstain’, and ‘No with veto’ options. A proposal will pass if the ‘Yes’ votes exceed 50%. However, if ‘No with veto’ votes reach a specified threshold, the proposal will be rejected regardless of whether ‘Yes’ votes have reached 50%.
  • Validator Votes: Lists individual votes from validators, showcasing the governance participation from these key network stakeholders. You can view full list of each validator votes by clicking “View Details”.
  • Recent Votes: Provides a list of the most recent votes cast by users, offering real-time insights into the community’s latest decisions.