
In the Cosmos-based ecosystem, a transaction refers to a message that triggers a state change on the blockchain. These transactions can include transfers of the native cryptocurrency between accounts, staking operations, governance proposals, or interactions with smart contracts.

Each transaction is composed of one or more messages and requires a fee, paid in the native cryptocurrency, to be processed by validators.

Transactions are atomic; they either fully succeed or fail without affecting the blockchain state. Once validators confirm a transaction, it is irrevocably recorded on the blockchain.

The Transaction Details page on Celatone gives an in-depth look at specific blockchain transactions. It includes:

Title Section

  • Transaction Hash: A unique identifier for the transaction.
  • Success Indicator: Shows whether the transaction was successful.

Transaction Information

  • Network Information: Specifies the network on which the transaction occurred.
  • Block Height: Indicates the blockchain height at which the transaction was recorded.
  • Transaction Fee: The cost of the transaction, paid in the network’s cryptocurrency.
  • Gas Details: The amount of computational effort used and the maximum amount that could have been used for the transaction.

Messages & Event Logs

  • Messages: Details about the actions performed in the transaction, such as uploading Wasm or altering contract states.
  • Event Logs: Additional information about events triggered by the transaction.

For a full understanding of the transaction, users can view the transaction in JSON format available on the page by click on “View in JSON” button.