
The “Past Transactions” section on Celatone displays a record of your wallet’s transactions, including those you’ve signed and related transactions. For each transaction, you’ll see:

  • Transaction Hash: The unique identifier for the transaction.
  • Messages: A brief description of the transaction’s purpose.
  • Relations: Indicates your role in the transaction, such as “Signer”.
  • Sender: The initiator of the transaction.
  • Timestamp: Date and time the transaction was recorded on the blockchain.

If there any transactions that consist multiple messages, the accordion icon will display. Users can click on the row to expand and see all of the messages within.


You can filter transactions by their relations or specific actions.

  • Filter by Relations: To show all transactions, only signed transactions, or related transactions
  • Filter by Actions: There are 8 specific actions that can be filtered through the dropdown, which are Send Assets, IBC-related, Instantiate Contract, Store Code, Execute, Migrate, Update Admin, and Clear Admin